Capn Morgan

Because YOU hadn't even thought of it!

I can see this getting waved through in the 1930s, but in my experience, scenes like this are a lot less prevalent post-war. It seems even more outlandish.

That's fine. Why don't you bore a Hole in yourself and let the sap run out?

I just took a look at that scene. Did people honestly say, "Now who could possibly be offended by that?"

So would he be against greater government oversight? The Roosevelt era was the closest thing you've ever had to a command economy.

Well, well, Ol' Dave certainly played the long game…

*frantically scrolling through ASOIAF plot summaries*
Shit, which book is that in…? A Storm of Swords or A Feast for Crows?

"Arise, Sir Gibbonarms of Brachiation"

And are their gauntlets lobstered? The world needs to know.

Two bits.

Probably true. Though far from satisfying in a narrative sense.

Barristan - now THERE was a guy who knew how to go down fighting.

Sansa might be able to manage that.

No, that's just a roose.

Are we counting the fingers on his hand…?

My money's on Thorne getting it next. Though my predictions of who's going to live have been very unreliable so far.

because television.

Can teleport. Can't maintain an accent.

"Jeeves, I've decided to improve my mind!"

"That'll put Uttoxeter on the map!"