Capn Morgan

The Devil's Interval!

They should all be destroyed. They're lethal at eight months, and I do mean lethal. I've hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move…

Oh, I heard it at the moustache parade they have every year.

I propose something a little less inflammatory, like the RMS This Time Fer Sure, If That's OK With You.

Zeppelins don't kill people, hydrogen infernos kill people.

"It would have been cheaper to lower the Atlantic!"

Do they grow bananas in that country…? Oh gods, those aren't bananas…

And they don't come more ponderous than Clive Palmer. Have you seen this guy?

For a Mithridates Salad, substitute 24 hemlock leaves for the lettuce.

Schrodinger's Diaper.

Seeing Christopher Walken in the front seat of that Kia made me wonder when he was going to launch into the Annie Hall monologue.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to edit a Taxi Driver trailer with a heart-warming voiceover and no DeNiro.

This could be just the gritty reboot the franchise needs. We are in the presence of genius.

*Cut away to Wo seated in front of television. Wo narrows eyes, frowns. Cut back to thread.*

Let's get you back to your room, Mr Sandler…

For full dry dismissive impact, replace 'previously' with 'hitherto'.

And the way that one motif from the soundtrack goes all minor key and Red Army Choir when they cut to the Russian holdouts. There's no way that wasn't going to happen, the cliche was formed in the mind of God in the instant of creation.

I'll get yer coat.

I saw New Order in 1982. So my dancing days are well behind me.
