Capn Morgan

+1 and an extra +1 for the correct use of umlauts.

I'm thinking more of a Goodfellas montage, where the bodies of assorted Lannisters and Boltons are found in carriages, palanquins and cold cellars with the piano coda from Layla playing over the top.

On the bright side, Jane Seymour takes over in the following season.

The Czechs are a simple people, living on a diet of rice and old shoes.

"Bloody milk, members of the jury!"

Yeah, but who in Hollywood has the imagination and vision to greenlight The History of the World Part 2?

Might actually work.

Though I suspect that Mel Brooks could have had a lot of fun with Yiddish-speaking horse nomads.

And that's a whole other tin of worms - ask your friend about the statue of Alexander in Skopje. The Greeks aren't happy at having a Hellenic king 'appropriated' (in their view) by Slavic-speaking peoples!

We need to identify the Swedish Menace. Too long have they attempted to infiltrate our society with their herring and their crispbread and their flat-pack furniture.

Oh hell, now my brain hurts.


White actors blacking up is now rightly frowned upon, but I don't think we should be citing the 1960 Cleopatra as another shameful case of whitewashing.

"Abe Vigoda as Sal Tessio"? A person of European descent plays a person of European descent? Outrageous!

If he's the ancestor of all humans alive today, he could be anything. Let's ask Ken Ham!

That's the chase scene pace car.

I give you a show tune and you give me epigrams.

If only to annoy IS.

A mark, a yen, a buck or a pound.