Capn Morgan

And here I was thinking it was a mashup of season 1 of True Detective and Kafka's Metamorphosis.

The edits men do live after them; the upvotes are oft interred with their bones.

This also is a plus.

Chicago seems like it might be worth a visit. Especially if I can get free tickets to a Coen Bros film.

Tear him for his bad comments!

Nobody I know ever got to the end.

That could be pretty damned good - just don't let SyFy near it. They screwed up Riverworld big time.

Isn't that Osiris? Isis collects all his bits and resurrects him after Set has torn him limb from limb.

Not in Australia you won't, those babies just hit $7 each. No guacamole this year!

That's bad.

Oooh, we used to dream of living in corridor!

That's all we need, Undead Caudillo returns to govern Spain.

Not disagreeing in the slightest, but anyone who thinks there's a definitive life of Spartacus out there is dreaming.

That's exactly what they want you to think!

Hard to get any primary sources here, let alone any secondary sources which weren't written by the victors.

It can be two things. Dragon Turtles, for example.

I'M Hotep!

It's all a matter of planetary diameter. If we all lived on The Little Prince's planet, we'd certainly notice the L-R curve of its horizon. We'd also notice how horribly crowded it was getting.

Of course. It's only right and proper that she do so.

"The blow of fat"?