Capn Morgan

"Oi foind yourr lack o'faith disturbin', moi loverr."

A Beautiful Mind Trick

Look, just because I don't be givin' no man a foot massage don't make it right for Palpatine to throw Yoda into a glass motherfuckin' vaporator, fuckin' up the way the Jedi talks. Motherfucker do that shit to me, he better disintegrate my ass, 'cause I'll kill the motherfucker, know what I'm sayin'?

Yes, like khaki, kettle, King's Bollege Bambridge…

Todd Margaret, is that you?

We can only hope.

I just looked that up because I thought no-one could be so stupid as to willingly adopt the name 'Jackson Galaxy'.

Let's work in some Spanish Civil War-era anticlericism and call it Pet Seminary.

IpMan Begins, not the crappy Joel Schumacher efforts. IpMan And Robin almost killed the franchise.

Ironic or alanic?

I don't even own a pornograph.

Pity no fans of 12th century Provencal history ever tried their hands with this.

"No. There is… another."

The stiff's name was Judas, a two-bit stoolie and sometime runner for the Galilee mob who'd sell out his own grandma for thirty pieces of silver. But his own boss? This was fishier than last night's garum.

"Knights of Ren"? You eeeediots!

"Wellington Singular"?

Spaced is a well which never runs dry, though referencing it can be a minefield since it is itself so referential.

I would buy that by the crate in the forlorn hope that it would make me one millionth as badass as Samuel L. Jackson. Sadly, this can never be.

That must be fun for the guy three tables over who ordered a side of horseradish mash.

My son's default toast at any social gathering.