Capn Morgan

Looks like he picked the wrong day to start trusting Leonard Nimoy.

A friend of mine actually thinks Space:1999 is proper science fiction. I do not share his opinion.

Duffy's reaction to the walking seahorse looks more like "you have got to be fucking kidding me."

"Uponst"? My, that is retro.

Unless an Apex Predator gets to it first.

He has been, and always shall be, our friend.

If that's what it takes to save them from Communism, you certainly can.

Don't feel bad. I'm so old that I was going to make that same joke about a former President and a CSI spunklight.

Thank you for the update - I shall revise the glossary.

The second one came across as an adult, though it was hard to be sure with that kabuki facepaint.

Bloody hell, when I was a lad, 'salty' was a euphemism for 'uses lots of bad language'.

Talking simple backwoods HYPERchicken, please.

On the subject of the prequels, I really didn't understand why a planet with an elective monarchy would consider a fourteen-year-old girl as a leader in the first place. Teenage mood swings alone would make this an unappealing prospect.

In the simplistic worldview of their wearers, Hat=Fedora.

*shakes fist*
Course your, predictive test!

I saw Tarkovsky's Stalker in 1980. I thought someone was trying to make a post-apocalyptic version of The Wizard of Oz.

Wise beyond her years.

When I arrived in the UK from Australia a while back, one of the first things I thought was "They've got their Moon on backwards."

Groucho visited W.C. Fields and was ushered into the attic where crates of booze were stacked to the rafters. "Bill," said Groucho, "you know that prohibition's over?" Fields responded, "Yeah, but you never know, it might come back! "

Not until you give me the safe word.