Capn Morgan

Or 'Proto-Rotoscope', as I like to call it.

Plot Twist: Which is actually Portmeirion and is policed by giant transparent beach balls.

Bloody geographical restrictions!

Yeah, I ended up with that one. Memorable quotes included "…Marilyn Monroe, boy did I want to fuck her; she wore this dress with bare tits!"

Good point, but I can tell you that growing up in Australia in the 1970's (truly, the arse end of nowhere), I know exactly who our media went apeshit for with the never-ending tributes!

If only…

Worst comic timing ever must have been Groucho Marx's decision to die the same week as Elvis back in 1977. What could have kicked off a brilliant retrospective of the Marx Brothers' work instead was submerged in a tsunami of Elvis impersonators (all of whom had settled on the fat Elvis as their chosen subject) and

Thank you!

I think that Billy West is the only person who has ever mentioned Georgie Jessel on a DVD commentary track. The only one still living, anyway.

You know you're old when today's soi-disant pop culture experts have never heard of anything pre-1940 except for the Penny Farthing.

Yeah, those old black-and-white 1930's Merrie Melodies were brilliant for old-timey pop culture references. Almost turned me into a hipster by age eight.

Christ, we're old.

Thank you, Van.

If our civilisation can reboot the Three Stooges as cyborg superheroes, then anything is possible.

There's only one race I hate more and that's the bloody DANES!

Sleazed into existence because the Dutch Calvinists didn't want more Papists to deal with.

[before being shot by Sarah Palin from a helicopter]

Great. Horatio Poirot gets to make a beer pun as he dons his sunglasses before the opening credits.

Why else do you think he works in the US?

Or, if you have the Brian Blessed satnav, "DRIVE!!!"