Capn Morgan


"The Phlegms"

Everything is better with Brian Blessed.

That's so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel.

As will the Estate of Agatha Christie.

Not sure how they'll reconcile his knackered legs with his becoming a great war leader in the sagas though.

Though that's another anachronism - stigmata veneration begins in the 13th century, with Francis of Assisi. It's not part of the predominantly monastic tradition of the Dark Ages.

If you're a single woman or a young girl, you wear the hair down, and if you're a married woman, it's up under a headscarf. Like 90% of Europe at the time.

You know who also hated smoking?

That amphetamine-addled Ayn Rand for example.

I understand all too well. Even though I no longer smoke, sometimes when I walk past someone who's smoking my old brand, I find myself wanting one again.

Their pot of gold is bottomless, so don't expect any change soon.

Quit three years ago because my wife begged.

I think you'll find it was a kryptonite minie ball fired by Wolverine.

Too late!

It's all subjective.

The fact that any A.V. Club writer at all was allowed to have a personal view on this topic outrages me beyond my capacity for rational expression.

Ponsonby Britt FTW!

26 choices. More than 26 animated series made. It's unavoidable.

Look at how many comments the article has garnered.