Capn Morgan

And Neon Genesis: Evangelion is proof positive that Japan should never have been let in on the existence of Judaeo-Christianity. It's just baffling.

His relentless flatulence was a source of much merriment to my younger brother and me.

Put it in perspective; a dozen or so contributors here, so YMMV.

26 possible choices, folks.

Jodorowsky's Space Invaders was in development hell for ages. Dali didn't come cheap!

What a piece of work is Kunka.

Not enough Muse-evocation these days. I personally enjoy the Classical vibe it gives any piece of pop culture criticism.

Canberra is much improved in recent years.

Bloody hippies wouldn't let them put it anywhere else.

Now I can't stop thinking of a person who looks like a spoon.

in Australia, we would say 'Frankston'.

On behalf of Australians everywhere, I apologise for Ken "The Half-Baked" Ham. He does not speak for us.

So don't get a nosejob and enjoy the shrimp.

And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords…

"Is best time of my life for shape situation!"

I managed to denounce a traitor even before finishing generating my character, 30-odd years ago…

+1 to that.

“She wasn’t interested. But once I showed myself as a predator and she got spooked, then she defended herself.”

"You mean the legacy I pissed away some years ago?"

You just opened a bell Jar Jar of Plath Vader jokes.