Capn Morgan

Still can't get what the deal was with those Klingons.

See also the Soylent Green trailer…

Oh, the huramity!

Nice to see that Australia doesn't have the monopoly on stupid.


…and I'm OK.

My Scots Presbyterian great-great grandparents got a trip from Scotland to New Zealand in 1880, stuck around long enough to give birth to my great-grandmother, and then emigrated to Australia.

Those smug Kiwi bastards.

More like the name of a games console.

…or an erb, pelgrane, or unusual hoon; strike out that which does not apply.

If the reviews I've seen so far are anything to go by, the filmmakers have taken some liberties with the historical facts.

Guys, save it for the inevitable reboot in 40 years' time.

Thank fuck he won't be allowed near another.

Au contraire, the prospect of scarlet fever lent a certain piquancy to a child's every waking moment back in the day.

Nonetheless, she got around, what with her amphetamine-fuelled swingers' parties.

Sadly, nothing retro-futuristic ever makes money. See also Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

An EVIL wizard.

The Delgado/Pertwee dynamic was a great two-hander, with the Doctor effectively having much more in common with his insane arch-enemy than anyone else on the planet to which he had been exiled. It's kind of screwed-up when you think about it.

…and repeat.

For Pytbulle, the Great Vowel Shift was something that happened to other þeod.