Capn Morgan

Hell aye!


"And Eddie Murphy as Cormac MacCool, the unlikeliest Pictish Chieftain you'll ever see!"

The dire Australian accents perpetrated in that film were infinitely worse.

AluMINIum! Burn the heretic!

Augustine would say that, wouldn't he?

Rome would be unlikely to make up a religion based on the life and works of one of their most dedicated enemies (three wars and a massacre of 80,000 Romans and Italians in Asia Minor - pretty much the entire expat community at the time).

Mithraism is cool, but it's a bitch getting all the dried bull's blood out of every goddamn crevice afterwards.

Cornish pasty. With a side of goat, please.

And what time do you call this? *taps ship's chronometer significantly*

And there's always a spare rocket venturi ring left over.

Stardust Memories showed that sneering at fans is nothing new to Woody Allen.

The Grand Budapest Hotel has been my fave so far. And now I want to read Zweig to find the connections.

Yes, but it's nowhere near as good as it could be unless you listen to it in the original reel-to-reel tape format.

Yep, creepy as fuck.

What could Glenn Beck bring to the table in being allowed to play himself reacting to a fictional character's utterances? Teary fat white guy lamenting change and the erosion of his personal privilege? That's pretty much a one-note characterisation.

Everything I know about President James K. Polk I learned from They Might Be Giants.

Lucky you didn't score a visit from the FBI asking exactly HOW awesome and why…

And now Eat Up Martha gets a visit from Sandy the Sand Sprite who reveals the terrible consequences of a world without sand…

And that's why we get ants.