Capn Morgan

Must you always be so littoral…?

*loads flintlock pistol, puts muzzle in mouth, misfires*

Not a dry seat in the house, am I right ladies?

Coldhands is Jaqen

Probably off with the cannibals on Skagos about now.

Worse than House Bluth.

And more besides, the sanctimonious old hypocrite.

This is the Darkest Timeline.

Wait, let her finish.

I haven't either. Although living in Australia may have something to do with this.

It's a difficult question, because birds are impossible to describe.

Well, I think I'm ready for the DVD box set now.

"…it’s fairly obvious Disney didn’t spend $4 billion on the rights just to stash it inside some nondescript warehouse once Ford was done."

"And visited he the concierge's desk, and threw, yea, hurled he, the phone at the concierge. And there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth." Rusty 2:18

So Doublethink is alive and well?

No actual proper honest to goodness scientists believe in creationism, do they?

A Spanish lead who looks like something out of an El Greco painting and a supporting cast of Sicilian peasants who believe in the narrative with every fibre of their being give this something of the quality of a rustic passion play. I'm not a religious person by any means, but it is a powerful film.

We can't jail people for having no discernible talent. If we could, Michael Bay would have been locked up years ago.

Good point, some of them are highly readable.

I file The Thin Blue Line under guilty pleasures - at the time, I thought it was a retro homage to old school British comedy. But try as I may, I can't muster any affection for his latest stuff.