Capn Morgan

Bloody hell, I hadn't heard Young Marble Giants in thirty-odd years and now it turns out they had a follow-up project? I really need to stay in more.

Kiki Dee and Herb Alpert - one of the 70's lesser-known musical collaborations.

Don't make me choose! DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!

Toots, your eyes shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.

"A piano! And it has keys!"

I remember being completely baffled by the TV audio, especially as my parents had taken me to see the cinematic release of BS when I was 11.

Got to see Snuff Box in this column sometime.
"OK, you see what you did there…?"

Down the track perhaps - Berry & Fulcher's Snuff Box?

…so it's bye-bye Faabio…

The Psychoville reworking of "Rope" - that was brilliant!

Queen refuses to deal with financial bigwig? Bloody hell, it IS a Star Wars prequel.

Given her increased profile in the US, probably Jacki Weaver.

I really need to watch that Battlestar Galactica pilot so that I can get a start on Seasons 1-3, which have been languishing in the cabinet for nearly three years now, God only knows when I'll pick up the rest of them.

What I find most baffling is that a critic (presumably a person with his/her finger on the pulse of popular culture) decides to compare a 1979 concert film unfavourably with a natural disaster from 2005 and then reverse their chronological order.

"I will rain down on you so hard you will have to be reassembled by air crash investigators… Listen to me, you sucker-faced Zygon cunt, I will tear your scaly fucking skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party, and I will rub your nuts up and down her leg while whistling Bohemian Fucking Rhapsody, RIGHT?"

To be fair, Australians can't figure out Josh Thomas' accent either. It wanders all over the globe from London to Melbourne via Saskatchewan and Johannesburg.

"Dany’s one of the few uncomplicatedly “rootable” characters left."
Clearly, you've never lived in Australia.

I prefer to blame careless writing in this instance. But this is the nerdverse, where slip-ups are unforgivable.

I prefer to blame careless writing in this instance. But this is the nerdverse, where slip-ups are unforgivable.

My money's on it turning up in Season 4. And let's hope it's as it was in the books!