Capn Morgan

First Memories of Doctor Who
In 1966 or 67, I was smacked with a wooden spoon at kindergarten for talking about the previous night's episode with one of my friends during naptime.

Periwhatsit gave me the shits big time, I never could warm to that character.

peekay, do you recall that Tennant episode where he introduced himself to Queen Victoria as Doctor Bell, compete with Scots accent? That's a nice tip o'the hat to Doyle.

Funny how a year or so ago Charlie Brooker described Matt Smith as looking like a friendly Easter Island statue - he's obviously not the only one.

I thought River Song achieved a lot more depth this time around.

"Also, was it just me or was the chamber that River found the TARDIS-like room that the Doctor found at the top of the stairs in The Lodger?"

Marxian Manhunter? Is he in the movie?

And the plank.

Now listen , lady…!

That stuff is brilliant! Forget what's in it, just try it and your tastebuds will be eternally grateful.

Or his fisty cock pump, as circumstances dictate.

Yes, Murray Gold did crank it up a bit, didn't he?

Me too, until it turned out to be a monocular eyepiece only.

Kinda-sorta been there already, with Tom Baker's Doctor in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang". He had to be wearing that deerstalker for a reason.

Part of The Gruen Transfer's appeal is based on the fact that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation isn't beholden to sponsors, so it can pretty much operate without fear or favour when dissecting the medium of advertising.

"Chiswick! Fresh horse!!"

Blame Morrissey for 'Saturday Night, Sunday morning' and 'A Kind of Loving' while you're at it!

Holy fucking shit! Mr Floppy!

Lovecraft, you are the distilled essence of Newtown. I salute you!

Yep, Port Royal was pretty damned cool. Great indie music scene as well, as long as you don't mind whistles and fiddles.