Capn Morgan

I like the Founding Fathers Lincoln.

Although I think if we go with the framed theme, we could get the whole Fugitive thing going, with Loki on the run in Midgard, all the while protesting his innocence and telling anyone who would listen that Tyr did it.

Try as I may to follow Joel's Dictum (Repeat to yourself, "it's just a show, I should really just relax"), I can't find it in myself to enjoy 'The 13th Warrior'.

I think you have to look at 'scary Doctor' in the context of Moffat's earlier masterpiece Human Nature/The Family of Blood. He was pretty damned cold when the time came to unleash some cosmic whupass uopn the titular characters.

If you let the Master back into the universe, you then have to contend with the possible return of those total twunts the Time Lords. Given the fact that they're godlike and every bit as ruthless as the Master without the benefit of the insanity defence, they strike me as a bit of a category killer villain-wise.

They really need a spin-off series, complete with cheesy 7o's cop music theme tune. "Rhino Cops!"

Wow! They were using every toy in the box!

"Questions, questions, questions; the human brain can hold three questions, and Peasant Pete's brain is all filled up."

Different standards apply in Colchester.

More of a Glaswegian mind-meld, really.

One of those days where you should have stayed in bed. A man reduced to gibbering, impotent rage by 100 degree heat, hordes of flies, and an intern called Tony.

The Italian pilots' crossing of the Atlantic was hot news at the time, what with Mussolini sending General Italo Balbo to impress (and frighten) the weak democracies by proving that he could navigate a squadron of Fascist bombers all the way to New York.

I always thought that it was more a case of "wouldn't speak" rather than couldn't speak - seemed to fit the utter perversity of the character a bit better.

Margaret Dumont was a polished performer, and it must have taken real talent to keep up with Groucho.

"If it comes round again, jump off."

Pompous Englishman: "I'm twice the man you are!"

Never trust a species that keeps its babies in the sock drawer.

The parents so determined to be supportive and failing so very badly; I love Jill Talley's earnest assurance to her son re Rodrigo's prowess. "He's good, honey!"

@Lovecraft, yes, that was Tenth Doctor at his most hubristic, and then coming horribly undone. Worst temporal intervention ever?

Agree entirely, phodreaw, it is a nice dynamic between Doctor and Amy. This Doctor seems a bit more broken compared to the almost hubristic final stages of the Tennant years ('Time Lord Triumphant' and so forth). After 'The End of Time', he can't even take refuge in nostalgic reminiscences of how wonderful the Time