
I saw it a mile away. People on TV shows can't just be friends apparently. Everyone has to be coupled.

Oh yeah another season of them wandering around making Herzog quotes at each other would be great.

I hope not, the comic is terrible. Talk about milking!

I think pointlessness is the thesis of the show.

They're not stringing, Glenn is obviously dead, zombies ripped his guts out. These people just can't let go.

Yes, I really want to know if Rick fell down a lot.

Ive not been reading these reviews in a while, but is there actual speculation that Glenn is alive? I think it's pretty clear he's dead. His guts were ripped out after all. They might show zombie Glenn, but I hope not, its simpler to just have him be gone.

Book note:
In the book (I THINK) Cersei bargained with the Sparrow to have the church give the crown a bunch of money so they could pay debt (or maybe it was a loan) in exchange for reinstating the faith militant. I seem to remember her being very proud of this scheming. In the show though she apparently does it to

A dumb thing to tweet, but I do agree.

Without the monologues to let us in on the con he often just seemed like a blowhard.

I'll never get why writers are so motivated to show that they don't need the thing which makes the show its most enjoyable. Without the monologues I often felt that I was always seeing the disingenuous Frank. I felt like I was being left out. Without him there to explain why he's being a mendacious shit he just seems

Agreed, this season didn't give me much of what I wanted. Instead of exploring the nature of power etc. it just asserted "Frank and Claire are having problems."

Actually this isn't a game changer. We're right back where we were at the beginning of the season. They have no destination or direction. Beth is gone, but she was a non-entity up until a few episodes ago. They apparently made her interesting just so they could have an emotional moment when they killed her. They also

Not to defend Dawn, but exercise bikes are usually self-powered.

I think that copy of Treating Survivors Of Childhood Abuse was in Daryl's bag.

What a little allegory of codependency we have here. I'm sure they will watch it at CODA meetings.

I'm getting a creeping suspicion that this show doesn't suck anymore.

When did rick make a trail?

Agreed, the baby must die. However it will be terrible because they will then have to spend a half-season exploring another one of Rick's depressive mood-swings.

Yes, but they have to be INTERESTING characters. I'm all about people talking on screen, but they have to do more than get mad/sad because someone died or $romantic_conflict.