Wimbledon Green

I never got that line. "Butch" actually does mean something very specific, and in English no less…

Surprised no one mentioned a name so perfect you remember it despite the character having no dialogue: Glen Coco from Mean Girls. "Four for you, Glen Coco! You GO, Glen Coco!"

Maybe there was a bad connection and he'll be playing Moqorro?

Ahem. Yo La Tengo's "The Story of Yo La Tango". More band history than mission statement, but one of their most powerful and overtly autobiographical songs.

Todd, when you say "Remedial Chaos Theory" "contains one of the single best jokes in the show’s entire run," to what joke are you referring? I'm assuming "Clearly you don't understand anything about defeating trolls."

That wasn't Greg from Flight of the Conchords (Frank Wood). It was the soft-hearted liberal congressman from House of Cards (Reed Birney).

David Cronenberg is in the process of adapting it.


That was awesome, and made for the cost of a camera, Final Cut Pro, and van rental. No, Mamet sisters, I don't think you can have $32,000.

"I joke about this song all the time because I live in New York now, and New York has a lot of bodegas, but I call them 'Lou Begas.' Like, 'I’m going to stop by the Lou Bega and grab myself a little mambo drink.' Maybe a 'Mambo No. Beer.'" Was Joe Trohman the model for Jon from DELOCATED?

Erik, did you mean Raymond Carver territory?

Erik, did you mean Raymond Carver territory?

Let's see…

Let's see…

The American Horror Story Story: New Orleans Drinking Game: do a shot every time Jessica Lange says "chile" or "Nawwwwwlins." Die in an hour.

"I said I don't mind playing a pedophile as long as I'm FALSELY ACCUSED." — Holbeck Ghyll

"I said I don't mind playing a pedophile as long as I'm FALSELY ACCUSED." — Holbeck Ghyll

Millions of women die of AIDS every day? Millions? So close to three quarters of a billion women die just from AIDS every year?

Nice little HBO inside joke: As she's practicing her opening remarks Esther Randolph says that Nucky "orders up murder like you or I would a cup of coffee." A prosecutor delivered that exact same line about Uncle Junior in an episode of The Sopranos.

He was freakishly intuitive. They were all sitting around the campfire and young Stephen suddenly *knew* that the counselor was using an alias. He stood up and pointed and screamed something like, "This man is not who he says he is, X is not this man's real name." And he was right.