so weird to title an article around a one-off afterthought in the last paragraph…
so weird to title an article around a one-off afterthought in the last paragraph…
Near perfect episode. Oh god, the jet pack face off. "He does have a beautiful voice." Stevie going to town on Maria's new boobs in the middle of the galleria. Yeah, pretty great.
Eh, maybe Mr. Show, maybe Tim. I don't think I've laughed through entire episodes like I do through the current season of Eastbound though.
As anyone who has seen The Comedy can attest, Heidecker can do a lot more than Awesome Show implies. I think he seems like he is still a young, underdeveloped actor, but he could have serious chops in the future in my opinion.
Cheers, well said.
Totally on point if we're talking about Will Smith circa 1996
There really is no accounting for taste. I agree with Sims here, and a C minus seems generous.
You pretend as if your original comment could be rebutted, but it was itself just a lame attempt to be funny deriding a band you probably never listen to. Third-rate Pulp cover band? Ohhh, scathing!
Your best work is behind you, too, but that's because your best work is farts.
Why anyone is still watching The Mindy Show is a great mystery to me. My advice would be to watch New Girl and then change the channel while tweeting things about Ben & Kate at Fox during the next half hour.
Seconded. Ever since he got with Maggie he's just been the worst. While the writing is consistently bad, I think in this case the actor has a lot to do with it too. His range seems to go from "pouty" to "unpleasant."
I said it was ad hoc because in previous episodes, we don't see the townspeople doing much of anything beyond guarding the wall or promenading around. Even though it is somewhat believable that they would have a library, the table is not set with scenes showing things like this. As far as Merle goes, there has been no…
Well, I just don't see any of it like you do. To me, all the character arcs are just simplistic motifs on endless repeat: Rick doubting his leadership then get getting all leader-ly; Herschel limping up to someone to play the role of folksy Socrates; Darryl exposing his sensitive side. I think these things would…
You're right, and that's exactly why this show has always been disappointing. If the moral dilemmas and group dynamic were scripted better, that'd be one thing. But they're always so simple minded and shrill. The main plot dynamic seems to be one character becoming bratty and unreasonable, like Glen in this ep.
I always look forward to the bitter conversations you have with yourself over this television show.
I got this impression because of the shot of Tyler on his computer after work at a cafe, Starbucks or something. Would he be able to hack into the system in this way? If not, the shot would seem to exist for more nefarious reasons. This would give a darker shade to Dougie's enlistment. It also jibes with that lady's…
My only criticism of this episode is that the cringe dial was turned way up. I think it went over the top in its comedy of discomfort. I'm thinking particularly of the sequence that starts with Amy complimenting the valet on the house and loudly interrupting the person introducing the speaker, and then all of her…
So many uncharitable people completely misunderstanding this movie, here in this forum.