
THis was the greatest night in the history of mankind!!! THE MAHARAJAH NEW WWE CHAMP!

Watch the Royal Rumble that is happening January 29th 8 or 7 pm est. See if you like it. Reddit's Squared Circle would also help you keep with with everything that happens in wrestling. Best and most pleasant place to discuss and keep up with wrestling

FB also was great. That Broken Matt reveal got an amazing pop. Cant wait for their match.

The PPV was great top to bottom. So many satisfying moments/matches. AJ and Dean tore the house down.

I knew Bernard was a host from the first episode. Damn if only I actually put my theory out there then.

Reddit's Squared Circle is the best place for discussions imo. Other places like WINC, Wrestlezone, and other dirtsheet sites are cancer.

Homeland and Downtown Abbey but no Leftovers? GTFO!!!

I tired to watch Firefly. It was the most boring thing I have ever tried to watch.

Tell me about it. Most of the reviews and YouTube/Dirtsheet comment sections of the shows are super childish…bitching and moaning because something that they hyped up dude to rumors or came up in their mind did not happen. The most decent wrestling community that I found recently is Reddit's Squared Circle. One of…

You gotta get them clicks with them controversial titles


Glad I bailed on Arrow. The first two seasons were so good. What the hell happened?


Reigns wins after beating up an "injured" and bloody HHH. After the match Rock comes out. While they celebrate, Reigns turns on the Rock and turns heel. Reigns needs to turn heel. There's no other hope.

or True Detective season 3.

or True Detective season 3.

Greg Rucka's Punisher is my favorite

I thought it was good but not better than S1. Wiritng was much more tighter and better before. This season is a bit all over the place. Overall some great markout nerdout moments throughtout


I never was a fan of House of Cards. I know I'm in the minority, but I didn't care about the first two seasons either and thought season 3 was decent enough for me to keep watching. Wow this season was sooo much better and now I'm a fan of the show.