30 Helens Agree

It sounds downright responsible of you.

It's almost like these think pieces don't realize that this story is being rolled out incrementally. Remember when everyone was pissed that they hadn't interviewed Jay? Then they interviewed Jay?

The Talking Serial, hosted by Chris Hardwick.

I'm with you. My reaction after that episode of Serial was, "Enright should do a podcast on the case because this is what people seem to want out of Koening."

I read this interview in my office in Natick, Massachusetts. It is lovely this time of year. A handsome, humble prize right there, Sean.

And Peter's shadow will be the ever-looming specter of his barely in-control alcoholism.

"Nick Cave and the Dirty Three would like you to know that 0 is also a number."

Maine Mead Works is great. I like their Ram Island line, especially the mint tea mead.

I can't write the HORDE tour off completely. After all, it put Primus, Neil Young, Odelay-era Beck, and Ween in front of me and my impressionable ears.

Same here. As the giant was slowly raising the gate I yelled, "Jesus, just shoot arrows into his balls!"

That and hiring a live drummer to play along with CDs is just amazing. I want to go to a Todd Glass party.

I miss Howard, too.

And now, Gregg!

King For a Day… has grown on me since it first came out. I wouldn't put it as a favorite, but it's a way more solid album than I gave it credit for.

I hope the restrooms are just a series of crapapults lined up along the wall.

My friend's second novel comes out on Tuesday. I'm impressed that not only did she complete one novel, but she had an idea for a second that she actually finished. It's like she's a real writer or something.

He'll probably be motion-captured as the other female role in the movie.

The Yank by the Pink.

I like to think that as part of the ramp up to his evil reign, Emperor Binks decided that he should probably have elocution lessons. He's not fully there, but he's trying.

I was hoping for a more weathered Anakin to deliver an updated "hating sand" soliloquy. It's like JJ Abrams didn't even get my letters.