Alexander Bunyip

I want more about there suddenly being a second confirmed human in the world.

Ignorance of peri-peri makes it feel like the show is set in the past. I keep looking out for a news headline saying "Bush wins second term" or something. Maybe Dom will invent the food truck as a solution for opening his restaurant.

They had an escape plan (the bus) so I also assume there's a rally point. I'll be disappointed if they're scattered for too long.


He could have at least fitted some ketamine in there it was a veterinary hospital after all.

Whoa … maybe Sam cut it so she'd distract the zombies?

You can't prove the non-existence of zombie animals just because we haven't seen any so far!

Next week: an autopsy reveals that he died from sexually-transmitted swine flu.

Every week features a humorous misunderstanding where someone expects her to be a man because of the name on the door.

Intransigent cable companies? Minecraft? TV violence? South Park used to be topical :(

I think the first boss said "Give me a break!" and the second boss said "My junk and stuff!" … but it was hard to make out.

Unlike everyone else it seems, I thought the episode was rather weak, except for Ron's visit to the distillery. When shows send their cast on an overseas trip it always seems gimmicky and this was no exception.

When the Nazis showed up in the nursery, I immediately thought of the nihilists from The Big Lebowski.

I feel terrible for saying this, but I'd be curious to see a spinoff with Harrison being raised and taught to kill by Hannah in Argentina :P

This would have been a better revelation if it had developed from his marriage to Rita.

It's like a Shakespeare comedy. Everyone gets married!

I was waiting for this all through the episode, too.

I thought he might awaken a balrog by hodoring into that well.

That's the kind of bespoke massacring you just don't get in our modern industrialized world.

I liked that they kept it at one dead king: it made the cause and effect of Rob's death more ambiguous, which in turn made Davos' argument against killing Gendry more effective.