He must have found it so hard he turned it off after the first, I guess.
He must have found it so hard he turned it off after the first, I guess.
Easter is even better than Horses.
Easter is even better than Horses.
Feeling Gravity's Pull is one of their best. It really evokes a unique mood. "Time and distance are out of place here" indeed.
This is such a boring argument. "It"s popular so you if you dislike it you are just being contrarian because you're a loser" is basically what you're saying.
I've seen DiG and I thought Newcombe came across much worse. Being "strung out" isn't really an excuse, it's not like you're born with that. Taylor always seems fairly self-effacing and affable in interviews, comments like "I sneeze hits" were obviously tongue in cheek.
I continue to be baffled by the intense hatred these guys inspire. They seem likeable enough and this is a solid record. Ah well, I really loved "Earth to the Dandy Warhols" as well and that got shit on even more by "the critical community".
"13 tales was their only good album" is part of that cliché attitude though. Pitchfork also did it once more in their latest review.
That was the defense used by the Jet-guys, but it's really much more "Lust for Life" than "You can't hurry love"
Problem is, once your remove everything ripped off from "Lust for Life" from "Are You Gonna Be My Girl", all that's left are horrible lyrics sung by a mediocre singer.
"Valerie" & "Sweet Marie" broadcast their more swinging side. "You Can Never Leave" is a personal favourite. Most of all I recommend 2010's Reservoir Songs II EP, 6 covers almost all bettering the originals.
Adjective:(of a person) Surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react.(of a person) Unperturbed.
There is really nothing at all to indicate it wasn't a real conversation. Levi behaved completely in character and it's obvious Helen wouldn't want to relate the painful contents of their talk to Amy.
I don't know really, those "flashbacks" were obviously Helen's memory so it makes sense that the image of her husband lying dead in the car is one that would keep coming back to her.
I wasn't thinking of any specific songs, just the general sound of the guitars and the drums. "Tomorrow", "The Unforgettable Fire", "Drowning Man"… stuff like that.
Nah, that was one of the more obvious give-away moments. The witness went to great lengths to never actually say she heard two voices, something like "I think there were two of them because the younger one kept calling somebody Professor. He never came down."
I agree, and I loved the timing of the vocals dropping in. Google tells me the song is "All Love" by Ingrid Michaelson.
It had me excited as well. But then they showed Dexter looking at where Gellar was standing just to have him disappear right before Dexter could spot him. No reason at all to do that except OMG HE'S A GHOST.
Are you kidding me? I love her "ohohoho'"'s on that, song wasn't the same live without them.