Paul Reda

All you get in the scene is ass and side-boob. And jaw-ripping.

I played too much X-Wing
The IES Dave Chang sounds like some sort of Imperial capital ship from Star Wars. Now I need to take it out with my A-Wing.

Actually, in this episode it was "lithium crystals." Kinda goes back to what Zack was saying about TOS not being big on continuity.

I second simon on the need for some Black Dynamite news.

Another creepy ghost kid
What I don't get about this movie is if her evil twin brother died in the womb, why does it manifest as a creepy little kid? Shouldn't the ghost be the same age as her? Or some kind of ghost fetus? It makes no sense!

I used to work with a guy who had a DeLorean (complete with OUTATIME license plates) and he had no trouble getting in and out of regular spots.

Show notes
I look things up on the internet so you don't have to.

That's nothing, Nathan is currently readying a 33-part series on Yasujiro Ozu, while Scott is watching movies in preparation for his new upcoming "My Year of Steven Seagal" feature.

Stealing the firstie
Other than my fake high school band Rorschach & The Inkblots (with their debut album "What Does This Remind You Of?"), Rock Band has also been the impetus for my fake band names like:

Monopoly: The Movie
After using all the money he wins in a beauty contest on a train ticket for the B&O Railroad, young Bud Pennybags rides into town with nothing but a thimble to his name. Leaving the dying industrial town of Baltic behind, Bud hopes to contact his rich Uncle Pennybags, who has made a killing in the

It's like I don't even know you
Firefly, people.

Def Leppard - Adrenalize

Misleading commercials?
Am I the only person that thinks the commercials make this look like a completely different movie? My imagined plotline for the TV Commercial Version of Traitor:

Sorry about that. Should be appearing shortly.

There were some issues getting the mp3 to work in our embedded player, and it ended up that stripping out the intro and outro music finally got it to work. No worries, the music is only on a 1-week hiatus.

Knock on the wall
I was thinking this movie was going to be an ill-fated American remake of The Orphanage.

That's what real drank is. Promethazine and codeine are the active ingredients in prescription-strength cough syrup.

Did they win the back catalog along with a gift certificate to the Compton swap meet on The $20 Sack Pyramid?

I have to admit that I'm a little shocked at this turn by our beloved ZMF.

Paul is very very hot.