Huh, didn't know Peggy Noonan had a band.
Huh, didn't know Peggy Noonan had a band.
Ugh. One of these bands lists itself as being from Ft. Wayne. As if the music scene around here wasn't bad enough, now I can't disassociate them from this shitburg.
>le x
Self-righteous white male posts to Internet indignantly, world stops to take notice. 'Twas e'er thus.
He is… which is why PETA won't have him.
¿Por qué no los dos? Why not compromise between the flamingly obvious and the nerdishly obscure?
The New Web Method: Everything is images and boxes and colors. Text is SOOOOOOOOO last decade. And functionality? That's for suckers - what you want is more shiny!
You must be getting some strange Big Macs.
I would love to see the ad that comes out of that.
I remember seeing this somewhere, and, well, "it's funny because it's true":
"Hey, we ought to get Mike Wallace on this 60 Minutes thing! … Wait, he's dead? Okay, I know his son works in news, get him on this! … Wait a minute, his son works WHERE?!"
CBS was printing this guy's book under a right-wing imprint they own. They had a financial interest in furthering this story.
"No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the record for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the pot-smoking Internet dudebros."
Good lord, I find myself quoting that way too often.
Often in a totally inappropriate context.
Lanolin's version was superior: "Friends are there/to help you get started/but once you get started/who needs 'em?"
You and ten million others.
You're now picturing Burns in his grizzly bear underwear.
"Thank you for using Stop-n-Drop, America's favorite suicide booth since 2008!"