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    Bechdel Test
    "How odd is it that between Wood with her gal-pals and Hart with hers, Stocks & Blonds/Wanda Whips Wall Street scores better on the Bechdel Test than most non-porn movies?"

    Breakfast, the fact that you feel the need to assert such a thing suggests that you're none too sure of it. You seem more invested in defending bullshit political hit jobs than in making anything resembling an actual argument. That's something you and McRib seem to have in common.

    @Steve McRib:

    Who said I was an exception?

    @Tom S: What are you, stupid? This is avclub.com. It's by hipster douchebags, for hipster douchebags.

    Hipsters are required to demand that any viewpoint they find inconvenient must be hedged about with qualifiers and opposing arguments, whereas viewpoints they like should be stated boldly and without compromise. They cover this obvious bit of political bullshit with a thin veneer of pseudo-aesthetic criticism.

    Really? I think he shows some Al Swearengen potential in this clip. Too bad he kacked it before Deadwood was filmed. And that he wasn't both about twenty years later in order to be eligible to play the role in the first place.

    Wot, no Master Shake?
    The most cheerful sociopath in any cartoon ever?

    The song is Jane Jensen's "Luv Song":

    I agree about the music, although the whole sunglasses and swaggering thing seemed exaggerated and overly manipulative to me.

    And wouldn't it be cool…
    …if Blake smashed Kalinda's windows and grabbed her crotch?

    You really don't get the "Leila" thing?
    Seriously, you haven't figured out that name doesn't mean something to her?

    Pointing out that someone says something provably false is not a contradiction in the statement; it's a contradiction between the person's actions and claims. Pity you couldn't follow that.

    Nathan Rabin Is Revolting!
    "The older I get the less use I have for ideological orthodoxy of any stripe, whether the ideology is feminism or Marxism…"

    Even if you're stupid enough to buy the party line on what happened in '08, you shouldn't be so blase about the basis on which the prosecution was derailed.

    One of them was an arranged schtick and could have happened any day. Why today?

    And thus the proles are distracted from Christopher Coates' testimony
    What strange timing on this flashy yet worthless story! What could it be meant to obscure?

    Practically every Red Hot Chili Peppers song that makes the charts
    Can't stand them and yet can't avoid them.

    If you really want to look au courant, be seen reading Bertalanffy. He died in 1972, but it takes a while for the word to get out.

    i and 1 has it right. My issue is with Julia Harwell's claimed specialization.