stinkin badgers

1st Sabbath song i was taught to play. Thanks for the happy memory candyoh

QOTSA, Sigur Ros and Grinderman = upvotes! but it only lets me do it once

James Brown - Funky Drummer :(
Fat Freddy's Drop - Wandering Eye
Wynton Marsalis - Blues
Omni Trio - The Haunted Kind
Leftfield - Swords
Lee Perry & The Upsetters - Cloak and Dagger
Disposable Heroes of Hiphopcrisy - Music and Politics
Monster Magnet - Space Lord
Kyuss - One Inch Man
Tool - Ticks and Leaches
A Perfect Circle -

Sorry, I was otherwise distracted and hence late to the party…
Absolutely consider yourself badged. Would you prefer self-adhesive or embroidered?

nailed it… insidious, aspirational pap.

you lot still do food stamps?

ugh, only if you hang on to his missus eh?

we did though, and that stuff sticks…

bwahaha… Never! Of all folk, you should know the meaning of "term of your natural [sic] life". Besides, you got John Clarke, so on balance you win.

I can't take him seriously when he looks/sounds like a C Grade Bill Hicks impersonator…
Also, his military subcutaneous tattoo ID will reveal the word Macguffin under a UV light

i keeps my jars o' pig feets nice and clean, and you went and messed them all up…

but in 1858 (ish) was there an australian accent? Certainly not as strong as Jarratt's ocker twang. Made no sense and took me right out of the movie. Fortunately was pulled right back in by the ridiculous death

but in 1858 (ish) was there an australian accent? Certainly not as strong as Jarratt's ocker twang. Made no sense and took me right out of the movie. Fortunately was pulled right back in by the ridiculous death

fair enough, if you know and can let it go.
i don't watch the show for that reason.
to each their own, and so it goes…

fair enough, if you know and can let it go.
i don't watch the show for that reason.
to each their own, and so it goes…

I just can't do it. I can't let go and I cannot separate the actions from the actor.
The guy is a convicted dickwad (that's a legal thing in Oz), but they delayed it so he could Go Hollywood. Meanwhile the dude he farnarkled, well judge for yourselves…

I just can't do it. I can't let go and I cannot separate the actions from the actor.
The guy is a convicted dickwad (that's a legal thing in Oz), but they delayed it so he could Go Hollywood. Meanwhile the dude he farnarkled, well judge for yourselves…

as a kiwi, who as a nation are relentlessly jibed about sheep, it has a delicious extra level. Growing up around the same time as national treasure #4, sheep were a part of the wallpaper. Literally. Figuratively. Both.
Seeing Baarbara the Canterbury blonde blown up like that out of the blue made me snort milk

Second the Quicksand appreciation. I have felt alone in my manlove of that band for so long. Such a shame they couldn't keep it together, but Slip and Manic Compression have been on high rotation to this day while PJ, Nirvana and the other grunge superheroes are occaisionally dipped into.
In that vein, are Slint still

Neil Finn put this one to bed a while back - it is a Melbourne band. That's where they formed and did all the hard graft.
Given the rest of the world can hardly tell the difference b/w oz and kiwiland, who really cares?