Contra Septic

Raphael: "Hey, Mikey, grab me a slice of pizza!"
Michelangelo: "Sure thing, Raph. Wait a second! What's this in the pizza box?"
Raphael: "You got Iced, bro! Drink up!"
Splinter: "Nuh-uh, you all did! Counter-Iced, ballsacks!"

If you can't think with pickles, you're just wasting time.

I can: Suckerpunch. Oh wait.

Well that deathscalated quickly.

But I also liked TDKR. *cough*andjohncarter*cough*

I feel like every movie is fairly flawed on some level, it's just whether or not the flaws can be overlooked to enjoy the rest of what is there. Then again, I like a lot of movies generally regarded as "disappointing," so what do I know?

I imagine my reaction towards this movie will be much like that of Prometheus: alone in my undying love.

"Gordy, your goggles are stupid. Ok, now what is this sample? Heh, a picture of balls. Nice one, Gordy."

There is no redemption after slighting Princess Buttercup.

Arthur Miller's dad

As long as that's the entire length of Penn's appearance, I'm in.

Next up: "Genius in France" edited to scenes from Amelie

I have a signed picture of them from 1996, more rare.

Ye Olde Bait n' Fwitch Title

My initial reaction to this album was the same I had to Justice's "Audio, Video, Disco." At first I was a bit bemused, but it soon grew into becoming far superior to my ears than their previous work. Sometimes a wrench in the spokes is a good thing.