Who Was William Shakespeare

I guess the drummer in Live forgot to bring his kit to the video shoot.

Range life opened minds bro

The article calls Superunknown, "a monumental hard-rock record, a psych-metal masterpiece that expertly applied gonad-rattling heaviness to pop hooks that were cryogenically engineered to pluck your pleasure centers while drawing a little blood in the process." Steve also says, "It's the genre's defining album. If

The remaster is overall much louder than the original, but I don't feel like it is a victim of the loudness war.

I love everything about the production on "Devil in a New Dress"

Let's talk about the actual remastering
Reznor and Co. did a fantastic job remastering PHM. Yea it still has the trappings of 80's sampling technology, but the remaster gives these songs the added umph the original recording sorely lacked. The album will always be cheesy, but the point here is this reissue does a

like mike
Gotta love Mike Myers in this clip

Yea this is pretty terrible but you do not fuck with the RIAA

Captain Hindsight says
The A.V Club should have had another staff member review this episode

I think Craig was The Mosquito and Kyle was the Human Kite.

I thoroughly enjoyed Thank You For Smoking and Up in the Air


Or just use a grocery bag

Only if gerbils are involved

…and married to Ellen

Green Zone was probably the worst time I've ever had at a movie. The camera work was absolutely nauseating. I was a little drunk but what can you do