Village Of The Damned

As someone who has followed Zainab for a while on Twitter, I'm well aware of her decision not to read The Sculptor, a point she's made fairly forcefully on a couple of occasions now. And while I respect her choice not to read that book (different strokes etc), it seems odd to then use it as a negative point of

Why is Olivia Newton-John driving so slowly? Seriously, it's doing my head in.

Why is Olivia Newton-John driving so slowly? Seriously, it's doing my head in.

Surely you either use 'Back in Black' by AC/DC, or you just scrap the whole fucking movie

Wait, three hosts? So they're sharing their workload? Why not just call it 'Fox and Comrades' FFS

Alan Moore
So I'm sure you remember that Alan Moore was working on a musical with Damon Albarn a while ago, but it all fell to pieces when Gorillaz wouldn't commit to doing it in the timeframe Moore had available? Did you also remember that THAT musical was about John Dee (at Moore's suggestion)? No? In that case, you

Die Hard 5: Die Screaming

On the money
"like a horrible AIDS quilt of music"


This looks like total, complete and utter dogshit. Or am I missing something?

Ok, I'm interested to see what your take on 'Martyrs' is. That's some fucked-up shit right there.

Yeah, this one's actually only the seventh. But whatever, it all turned to total dogshit after the third one. If not before.

I'll buy that for a dollar

Human Centipede II: Anal Boogaloo

Weird. It turns out you're completely wrong. 'Lies' is great, while 'Chinese Democracy' is turgid balls. Once again, the internet allows me to point out someone else's foolishness.

Taken 2: Secret of the Ooze