
I know, that's gay right!

That actually a pretty good idea! I think he could pull it off.

The only Misfits album I like is Static Age. Is that weird?

Dennis Lehane too! Always with the child abuse, OY VEY! I really wonder if they're just preying on parents worst fears, or did something unspeakably awful happen to them growing up?

I'd say the boys from Kids In The Hall meet the chaps from League of Gentlemen on a transcontinental cruise ship. Cross dressing, mayhem and hilarity ensue.

Hot Times was the first porn I ever saw. I remember a scene where Archie tapes his hardon to his thigh during a basketball game. Hilarity ensues.

I'm like a chocoholic, but for alcohol!

If you haven't seen Mad Men yet, don't watch the scene selected above! It's kinda the best scene from season 1, and it would be a shame to see it out of context.

I remember reading a while back that Norm Macdonald was also shooting a pilot for FX. Any one know what became of that?

I read the other day she's working on a new prose novel, which is really really great news. Cruddy was amazing.

Lynda Barry would totally be the coolest. She'd teach me how to hula dance and then we'd make collages.

FOR TRUE. Probably my favorite part of the Office dvds is the extras with Steve and Ricky just talking shit. Better than Dickens, indeed.

Hate's a little strong, yeah. Slacker's alright, and Dazed is very funny, but that's as far as I'm willing to go with him.
I was just trying to give you fire for fire, because (as I mentioned above) I recently watched 5-6 of Leigh's films over the course of a week or so, and I really liked most of them, and downright

I fail to see how anyone who A) has ever met a real human being B) has any understanding whatsoever of the United States, its recent political and social history, and specifically the class system doesn't see Linklater for the bovine, snobbish pisstaker he so clearly and irrefutably is.

I was a Brian for a while too. Night shift at the front desk of a hotel in a very sleepy little town in northern Canada. A couple times every winter a busload of Japanese tourist would show up to copulate under the northern lights, and that was pretty much it.

I'd second (third? seventh?) Happy Go Lucky as a nice intro. I went on a Mike Leigh binge a couple of weeks ago (prompted by seeing Naked on the NCC sched I think), and yeah, I cried a bunch.
Another one I liked a lot was Life Is Sweet. It's actually pretty funny throughout, and didn't end with me weeping quietly into

Lynne Ramsay was originally in line to do this movie. Imagine that.

@Cronen: They were good, but I don't see a lot of people with Knocked Up posters on there living room walls, do you? Movie posters used to be ART!

Yeah, movie posters are uniformly awful nowadays. I like to think if a studio ever had the balls to give a really ace graphic designer carte blanche, the result would stand head and shoulders above every other photoshop abomination at the megaplex and it would be a raging success. Or at least people might stop and

Trotsky and Hutch
Red Star Trek