
I was super into that show a while back (I christened my car of the time OLD GREGG), then I kind of forgot about it. I guess I have some catching up to do.

Speaking of MBV, didn't I read last year they were DEFINITELY working on a new record, coming soon… any word on that?

Kind of hard not to feel bad when so many people pimp it as the height of satire in film. I've owned the DVD for over 3 years, I've only watched twice, and I really don't feel the need to watch it ever again.

Yeah, it's way too broad a subject for a Gateway, I guess. Maybe I'll just ask the comely young librarian for suggestions next time I'm there.

TV wise, mine would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When it was on I was way too busy getting stoned and internalizing Adam Sandlers oeuvre to bother with anything so juvenile. But time passed and I discovered Firefly/Serenity/Dollhouse, and eager for more I dived in, reading along with the TV club for the 1st/2nd

BAM = undiagnosed stroke. I read it somewhere, it's Science!

Michael Jackson. Once you get over the pedophilia and his… pedophilia, he's yours for life.

Yeah, polish off the second season and the xmas special. Gervais/Mercheant have kind of become masters of the emotional whammy finale, so you've got that to look forward to…
Though now that you mention it, maybe just re-watch a bunch of Larry Sanders instead. I really wish they'd released the complete run instead of

So was Townes Van Zandt, who at least had the good grace to follow through on his own self destruction. NO REHAB FOR REED! JUNK = PUNK! NEED INSPIRATION? HORSE, OF COURSE!

Fanny and Alexander was my first Bergman film, after the grossly underrated Whispers of the Wolf, of course:

But not as good as ThreeSkin.

AV Club has to do a Gateway to Geekery on classical. Every once in a while I'll wander into that section in a store or at the library, but it's not long before the eyes glaze over and I'm asking the clerk if they have the soundtrack to the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer or something.

I really love Dummy and Third, but the s/t never really gets much play by me.

RE: Tom Waits. Even if you don't like his music, dig up his interviews on Youtube (whenever he's on Letterman they chat for a bit before the song); the man spins one hell of a yarn. Really funny, and charisma to spare.

I had such enormously high expectations for this show, it could only disappoint. I stopped watching after 2 episodes and retreated to my beloved Office box-set until a friend who's taste I trust (he turned me onto the Mighty Boosh!), told me to give it another shot. And yeah, it was pretty swell.

Don't forget Sterling Morrison. He never done nobody wrong.

That's the same way I came to hear of him. No shame in it, assuming you didn't buy a Volkswagen.

Fun House is great, but LA Blues will never make sense to me.

Thanks, I didn't know the brothers were in Tree of Smoke too. I just ordered it, and judging by all the praise being heaped on it, I guess I'm gonna like it.
You guys really inspire consumer confidence.

Didn't mean to give the impression that either of those books were bad exactly. Angels in particular was pretty astonishing, especially considering it was his first novel. It's just pretty grim is all.