
I just looked over at my wife and said "Well, Walter always did like to eat strange things"

Rooting for Malcolm? Absolutely. The rest of the bro alliance? Only by extension

Harrow killed Germans out of a sense of patriotism…he killed for Jimmy out of friendship…he killed for Angela for revenge…he killed for Tommy out of responsibility…I can think of no reason that the character as he is portrayed would ever kill for money, machismo or anything else Nucky could offer

Harrow killed Germans out of a sense of patriotism…he killed for Jimmy out of friendship…he killed for Angela for revenge…he killed for Tommy out of responsibility…I can think of no reason that the character as he is portrayed would ever kill for money, machismo or anything else Nucky could offer

A big, goofy hat would be a good ID mark for a one eyed sniper from a half-mile away

A big, goofy hat would be a good ID mark for a one eyed sniper from a half-mile away