
I counted a coupla DAMMITS (but none from Jack??), one "how the hell did this happen?!" (Jack) and two "protocols" right at the beginning.

Was it S7 where the bad guys TUNNELED INTO THE WHITE HOUSE? One of my
favorite 24 things ever. And S7 brought us President Useless, and the
joy of hearing "How the HELL did this happen?!"

Great episode. My comments:

That music at the end, when Kate had Jack on the floor and the hostages were freed and the marines came in. What the…? It was uplifting hopeful mournful music. I can't articulate it but it struck me as unfitting and ridiculous. Just another reason to love this show.

I counted just one "schematics" and two "dammit"s.

You gotta admire her goth makeup for staying intact through all that torture.

President Useless!

I counted "Dammit!" 4-5 times, but only one patented Jack Bauer angry whisper "Dammit!" That came after he said "Son of a bitch" twice.

Either he still has a job, or he just boldly wears the uniform 'cause what're they going to do? He was released from the Hole, as was Huck, so it seems those two are untouchable now. I see Scott Foley got to keep his sweet apartment with all those TVs behind the walls.

Rosen goatee + clunky glasses = Olivia with bangs. I like it. The show's wonderfully convoluted plot is helped by obvious time markers such as these.

I laughed out loud that Acme has a branded pen. What?! Do they have a marketing person who met with a swag salesperson? Acme/Wonderland sticky notes? Coffee mugs? Or were they just sent some branded pen samples by a company hoping they'd buy more? And Evil Dad said "Hey, free pen!" and took one home?

I sure did notice. Somebody went nuts with the eyeliner! 

Jack said something especially sexy-voiced after that. What was it? "Careful, Lemon, something something." ?

So the last word of the series was "flurm" right? (Not counting the tag, which of course does count).

Speaking of that check, and sorry if discussed elsewhere, but I thought they would give Mrs. Pryce more than the exact amount owed Lane. Just the $50,000 seems cheap of them.

Pretty sure "break a leg" refers to the legs in curtains in theaters (legs are part of the structure of large curtains). Way back when, they'd raise the curtain for audience applause, then lower and raise it again for ovations. "Break a leg" means "I hope you get so much applause that you break a leg in the curtain

Pretty sure "break a leg" refers to the legs in curtains in theaters (legs are part of the structure of large curtains). Way back when, they'd raise the curtain for audience applause, then lower and raise it again for ovations. "Break a leg" means "I hope you get so much applause that you break a leg in the curtain

As in Charles Widmore of Lost? Yep, caught that.

Nah. I loved WW and didn't even realize that was Bradley Whitford until the credits (oops!); therefore I did not get any of the WW references, but I still really liked this ep. Point being, if you didn't like this ep very much, you just genuinely didn't like it very much, which is fine.