
Is that her plan? I wonder how that ties in with Kat on 30 Rock saying she would like to be the 3rd female president. Who will the 2nd be???

Will there be a WW reference right before the debate begins, with Ben cutting off Leslie's hair?

Yeah, I've been really enjoying showing him as such a sad sack/loser this season. Sitting at the bar by himself, reading a book. Being out-meditated by Ron in Ron's 1st ever meditation. Oh, I just remembered his loss to Ron in the hamburger contest!


I read it. I wonder if anyone is left reading the comments. I wonder if anyone can explain the Leonard Pierce references. What'd he do?

Best manner of speech: Snoop.

I wouldn't say mindblowing or insightful, but I'd say if you like tv, this is a damn good show.

I wonder if I've been watching "Treme" correctly?? Someone please advise. 

Good point. Reminds me of when Ron Swanson was disgusted with a strike in bowling because it wasn't done right.

Oh yeah, Corporate Blimp Monthly!

That chair collapsing under Jenna explained why she was wearing those weird shorts. It doesn't explain why Hazel commented on her crotch, which she could not have seen due to said weird shorts.

I know, it was great. Of course he would nail it immediately.

I wonder if that other teacher that day turned brunette. The one to whom Ron said "For what it's worth, you would look stunning as a brunette." She sure looked like she was thinking about dying her hair immediately.

I thought that too!

Where is ZMF these days?

Totally agree.

LOVE that film. Just watched The Guard the other day—another great Gleeson film.

Maybe in the movie…

I know! Poor ol' Bill Prady, stuffed into a crawl space and decomposing away all these years.

Ever since Ron's burger…