
And the ON AIR light was on while Derry Murbles and Leslie were dissing the music.

Looking closely at Ron's mustached in the 1st ep, as he's grabbing his backpack and running away, it seems pretty clear it is a fake mustache. I wondered what was up, but now I think they must've shot that later, after he shaved for the 2nd ep.

Hi there. Count me in with the future gang. It's crazy here!

I like humidity. Nothing against, the Southwest, but I like humidity.

Good depiction, Olivececile. Count me in the group that thinks Leila is terrible.

Wait, is Leila gone or not? She was the worst part of the show for me. Somehow even worse than Kim on 24.

Dang, I missed last week, so didn't bother with this week. But it seems like it might have been a good one, in a goofy, laughable way.

I do love Zeljko. The actor. The character he plays is… actually one of the better ones on this silly show.

The dialogue is just so bad. Achingly bad.

Leila sucks. She is at least as bad as Kim on 24. Sigh. I miss 24. Good ol' President Useless and her "What the HELL happened?"

The event is a good laugh every Monday night. What's not to love?

I laughed out loud when Zeljko Ivanek announced the US was unprotected and unable to do anything about a missle headed our way. Yep, oops, they got us. If only Gilly had been there to deliver the news.

Yeah, real nice. Way to fuck with the crazy person. Nice.

I admired how Leslie David Baker (Stanley) kept a straight face through that whole lighthouse bit. It just kept going, and getting more absurd.

Yeah, the ridiculous-ness is what I like about this show!

He was only vaguely shot somewhere in the torso, maybe near the shoulder. As we all know, that is not fatal, and just causes some blood and wincing.

Mostly Kenneth bugs me, but he did not bug me tonight.

Hey, I'm a lady too! Not that I comment enough or with nearly as much acumen as you ladies. I have really, really enjoyed your thoughts and insight on MM. I probably won't watch Fringe, but look forward to reading your stuff in July 2011 (Waaahh!)

Dick Whitman??
Was it just me, or did Don look like Dick Whitman in the scene where he announced his engagement? We've discussed here before that Jon Hamm is able to play the two differently, and something about him in that scene struck me as Dick Whitman-like. Something about the goofy grin and looser demeanor.

If I were Betty I would NOT want to go to a therapist after that first go-round with the jerk doctor who reported to Don. Wait… I guess I'm assuming we know for sure that Betty knows the doctor would call Don. Anyway, she got in through the side door to a decent therapist and is staying put.