
Am looking forward to seeing how Kenny and Pete work things out. And still a bit anxious about Trudy's pregnancy.

That reminds me, I once didn't write a college paper by pointing out the question was flawed. The TA who graded it was pissy, but the professor like my argument.

I'm confused about Clearasil. I know they had to give it up b/c of Pond's, but I thought Pete was working to get his father-in-law to give them all the biz, from Clearasil to Vicks and whatnot. And his FIL called him a son of a bitch?

Arundel, I too think the practical side of keeping that set might be in play.

Come on, no REAL single parent would fire a totally reliable babysitter who lives across the hall. And she's a nurse too. Talk about overreaction.

Ah, thanks Independent Claus and Bunky Bunk. Wikipedia also says she put it up for adoption. That being the 60s and adoptions much more secretive, my guess is we won't hear from that baby.

I thought the kid is being raised by Peggy's mother or sister??? I know a season or two ago she went to visit her fam and her Mom told her to go look at the baby, and the kid wasn't a newborn at that point.

Peggy won't do anything Swedes do because Peggy's people are Norwegian. That was mentioned once, ages ago.

Civil rights movement was briefly addressed in season 1 (or was it 2?) when Paul was dating that black woman and they took the bus down South to protest. She dumped his ass. And Vietnam has obliquely been referenced already, as Dr. McRapey enlisted, right?


the —> she

I was too busy admiring how hot he looked in that beard to pay attention to what he was saying.

That's why the really earned the sobriquet President Turkey Fat, as Zach indicated earlier this season that her spine must be made of turkey fat.

Ooh, good point!

Agreed with the END. Love how they resorted to that ol' stalling trick of "I don't want to kill you, but…"

Good idea. Maybe "Fire Poker Through the Gut" so it's clearly not about the game of poker or about "poke her."

Here's some info indicating the movie is a go, though I guess you never know, maybe it is misdirection:

Jack's dad could also come back. Or his son. I can't remember if Tony died last season or not, but frankly even if he did die, maybe he didn't. How about Logan's wife? I could see her showing up somehow.

I think anybody is fair game to be killed, including President Turkey Fat and Russian Prez. Chloe is the least likely to be killed.

He might die if the movie is a prequel, showing what led up to these 8 days. Granted, Kiefer will have to play a younger Jack, which could be tough, but he can do it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want him to die, no WAY, but I suppose it could happen. (Turns away and sobs)