
I could see either him or Cole showing up in the 24 movie.

Good point. Actually, Michael Madsen had 20 whole minutes, remember Jack asked the journalist if she could meet him in 20 minutes? They probably had time to stop for a coffee before the department store shootout.

President turkey fat weighed her options for, oh, 3-4 seconds before taking the tough stance that she would honor Logan, but make her press secretary do it.

Empty buildings
Gee, NYC sure is lousy with uninhabited, unlocked buildings with lots of stuff in them for torturing and stuff. So it's no surprise there was one right across the street from the department store

Poor guy was so outmatched in the acting department. He tried really really hard, though. He should at least get a "participant" award.

But Freddie Prinz did nail looking dumbfounded, so he's got that going for him.

Dana getting shot was a surprise, and was satisfying.

Well, anything's more secure than CTU.

That was such a clever tap on the boxcar! Jack's years of experience went into that tap, and there was no way the guy could've NOT been tricked by it.

Anyone hear anything about the plot of the movie? If it is a prequel of sorts, then Jack could conceviably die at the end of this season.

Dumb as hell
I agree, President Useless shall now be called President turkey fat spine. What a dumb turn of events. Logan and his robot eyes have quite an effect on her.

We cracked up too at that reference to CTU having airtight security. Shouldn't it already have had it? And since they clearly didn't, shouldn't they choose a more secure place, like a Gap where they make you check your bags?

Jack started out today as a napping grampa, then got stabbed, tortured, collapsed a lung or two, jumped out of a 2nd story window… what else?

Agreed, what a baby, ooh get that guy away from me! I've noticed the Nixon thing since whatever season he was president.

—Not a single "Dammit!"
—They called Absurdistan "Kamistan" which I think is the first mention of the country's name.
—It took President Useless 3 minutes to get to CTU.
—How did Jack manage to accumulate a box of shit at CTU? What was in it? A couple ferns and an anger management book?
—Looking forward to the

Jack's outfit
Dumb first comment, but the nurse brought him a designer shirt. And later he was wearing a grey v-neck. So silly.

I dunno. If you watch 24, they can get anywhere in the entire LA metro region over a commercial break. (This season is not set in LA, sadly).

When I see an unmarked van full of adults, I assume they are on a jail outing, either being transferred to another jail, or on their way to clean up litter from the interstate.

Hey, was there an "eye" shot tonight???

Damn fine.