
Rose & Bernard
Anyone else get the impression we won't hear a peep about Rose & Bernard? Man I will be so happy to think they said "Screw all y'all" and lived out their days happily. Ditto Walt.

No, I'm pretty sure he won the lottery, and we don't know if he used the numbers in this alterna-lottery.

I like Des' new attitude of why be scared? He seems content to go along with whatever the island brings him, as though realizing all his agony and straining against what the island wrought did him zero good.

Pretty sure Desmond's car was a BMW with the BMW thingy removed from the back. I was watching with a friend who knows her BMWs and she thought so too.

Whom can they bring back?
Trying to think of characters that might come back, either in the series or the film. For the sake of this exercise, I'll omit any Tony Almeida-like resurrections.

I still just can't picture a baby named Teri.

Jack Bauer Power Hour makes a good point about the reviewer. Zach, keep doing reviews, but live it up a little. The show is over, it has been hilarious since season one*, so make fun, not crankiness.

I was watching this and IMing with two friends and believe me, these two eps were a hoot. We drink on: rods, bitch, slapping, Jack's "Dammit!" and over-the-top product placements.

I agree with Don Incognito and Michael Anthony (if that is your *real* name); these were better eps than usual.


I said the same thing out loud, that I am going to start saying "I don't take orders from anyone but the President of the United States!"

New female agent
I loved that new agent. Kind of had an Aaron Pierce thing about her.

I was hoping Ethan was faking a heart attack.

Ah well, the writers are all scrambling to pull together their resumes now, anything else they do this season for 24 will be even more phoned in than ever. They'll text it in. Or twitter it in.

Oh! Oh! Aaron Pierce! Pleeease bring him back.

Note that it was Weiss who said "How the HELL did this happen?!"


Two big shooting scenes (man are they all terrible shots)(except Renee), one Chloe gun and insubordination scene, one massive loss and regain of tech power. B- seems about right.

As for the mole, well you KNEW it was going to be someone ridiculous. I just wish Stephen Root got to string his fun character along some more. Holy hell, that guy could get ANYBODY to step away from this national crisis to talk to him about a parolee gone missin'.

Wait, did Jack call Owen "son" tonight? Did he call anyone "son" tonight?