
Oh come on the armor was hilarious! And that intern who couldn't wait, who thought he knew best what to do, come on! He made Owen (RIP) look like an old hand at this game.

get thee to a doctor, you got low-level depression.

A friend watches CSI Miami, but I got her into watching 24 too. We were debating which show is worse. Tough call. Either way, both are fun to make fun of (but I like 24 better).

Anyone else notice Jack asked for a "kidnap kit"? What the…? I suppose CTU has some in the storeroom, next to the forms for granting immunity. And the kidnap kits come in different strengths, depending on how important the kidnapped person is.

Well, I laughed.
Rhubarb rhubarb golf prostate

I thought so too, but figured I was wrong, or missed when CTU whipped out a replacement monitor/camera.

Speaking of Marcos' mom, they got her to the hospital from East Harlem in 6 minutes. They must've taken her in a helicooter.

Yeah, I've never seen specific times for future events in previews either. But oh man, it looks like there is one holy hell of a twist in the next ep. Wowee!

2 AM seems late, but he did apologize, plus it appears that all lights in every building outside President Absurdistan's rooms are blazing bright, so understandably the guy from Arkansas figures everyone in NYC is still up.

Leoben gettin' killed by a woman he was a jerk to. Check.

Wait, where was Herc? Damn.

Nuke ya ler
Have we ever had a decent explanation why Jack Bauer says "nuke ya ler"???

Holy hell!

It occurred to me Newbie could be a mole. He looks all scared and innocent. Are the writers that clever???

I enjoyed the grim expressions of love. Suspect they took lessons from Scandinavian immigrants in the upper Midwest.

The pause before jumping out the window, and calling the guy "son" last episode, and not wanting to hurt Marcos this ep I suspect are the writers trying to demonstrate Jack is aging. Not sure if they have a long-term plan with this, but they've pretty consistently made a small reference to the oldness of our man Jack.

The window
Come on, that was so obvious. My friend commented they should have known better, and put a trampoline outside the hospital room window.

Chloe does everything
well, almost everything. Milo actually did some stuff too.

Oh I don't think whoever (whomever?) 108 is will turn out to be unimportant.

Her hair bugs me the most. I know it's dumb, but come on. She has the hut, a nalgene bottle with rope carrier… and she can't comb her hair? I know, I know.