Once something interesting occurs on the show, I'll be there
("Ooh, hum-drum Peggy might move in with her boyfriend! Dissertation time!")
Once something interesting occurs on the show, I'll be there
("Ooh, hum-drum Peggy might move in with her boyfriend! Dissertation time!")
Uh, no, how the episode centered around his issues with Don, his self-delusion with the high schooler, and his fight with Pryce. Which show were you watching?
Is she a David Mamet child? That seems to get you work anywhere.
She and Fey were a real team, doing a two-woman show in Chicago in '99 before Dratch moved to SNL. Then it became UberPalin and the lady who picks up the Chinese delivery..
Chris Brown: The negro that just drives white people bonkers.
Got my Fandango tickets already printed. If only this came out when I was twenty and had my hopes in front of me it would be a full-on orgazmathon.
Paul Rudd probably reads articles like this and goes, "ThankyoulordThankyoulordThankyoulord…"
Marr always mentioned his love of the Stones. Can definitely hear the influence of their cover of Bo Diddley's "Mona" on "How Soon Is Now":
Corrections good the first two hundred or so pages, then turned into same middling study as Freedom.
Franzen's ego briefly detects faintest disturbance, continues consuming planets for life energy.
If only Peggy's hum-drum life were worthy of that level of analysis.
Labeling someone 'Troll' has become the new way of banishing counter opinion. It's as simple as that. No need to make melodramatic analogies.
Dan Pussey!
Superman III.
Ray Wise as the guy telling Don no one would trust him was also a welcome appearance. He looks perfect in period settings like Good Night, Good Luck.
Quitting animation to become a cartoonist? That's like quitting being an attorney to become a paralegal. Good luck to him, though.
Colin Farrell's Bullseye was pretty badass, except for the part where he "wants a bleedin' costume" and in the next scene is just wearing a trenchcoat.
Even my uncle is a wittier drunk than Roger:
A little white-haired businessman who thinks he's God's gift to cocktail party humor? That would rock.