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    Shit, missed this when I posted above.

    Reznor lended vocals to "Kalopsia" on …Like Clockwork as well.

    Sounds like the best reason I've had to post a link to Kyle Kinane's Bigfoot theory:

    I concur. I always saw the ending as a happy one for Knives because she's matured to the point where she doesn't need or want Scott. Scott and Ramona can learn to be less emotionally stunted together and Knives can find someone worthy of the smart, confident, kick-ass chick that she's become.

    @Smilner are you saying that the production on Lizzobangers is lackluster or are you speaking hypothetically? I'm a fan of what I've heard thus far, especially Lizzie Borden. Haven't heard anything besides that, T-Baby and Batches & Cookies though.

    Well, yes and no. Walt's actual words were simply brutal. However, that was his gift to his family: by making himself the bad guy and the one in control while his wife is weak, stupid and disrespectful, he freed Skyler from her culpability in the eyes of the law and, more importantly, in the eyes of Marie and Walt Jr.

    Oh yeah, those idiots have a problem with everything. I was at a Radiohead show in KC a couple of years ago and they were there protesting essentially because they think that Radiohead is weird (and a distraction from god).

    Edit: oh, got it: never mind

    Oh, B&TEA totally blew ass (I found it online a couple of years ago), I just expected to see it here.

    As a kid I enjoyed ALF" The Animated Series but ALF Tales was definitely the superior show. The re-imagining of Rumpelstiltskin as a film noir with ALF playing a detective hired to uncover the imp's real name blew 10-year old mind. Probably at least part of the reason I love the genre to this day.

    I think your assessment that it's more like a collection of short stories is pretty much spot on. I was watching the Ustream that she did last week and she and Beak were both talking about how 8-months ago they were at a loss as to how they were going to mesh these tracks together into a cohesive album.

    Whenever Pamela Adlon is mentioned the credit noted should always be her role a Louis C.K.'s wife on Lucky Louie (even if the voice acting role as Bobby Hill has more relevance for an animated feature). Such a badass role.

    One of my favorite concert moments was the Eels' cover of Get Ur Freak On during the Souljacker tour.

    Hope you enjoyed. An album I really wish I could hear for the first time again.

    Hope you enjoyed. An album I really wish I could hear for the first time again.

    Thanks for continuing to pimp the DTR crew Genevieve: best crew in hip-hop today. I try to do the same thing but you have a national audience so I'm guessing your dividends pay further. "Spicy Peen" is a pretty great track but when the wife and I are driving around pumping out the SNAXXX, Creeper Status gets the most

    Thanks for continuing to pimp the DTR crew Genevieve: best crew in hip-hop today. I try to do the same thing but you have a national audience so I'm guessing your dividends pay further. "Spicy Peen" is a pretty great track but when the wife and I are driving around pumping out the SNAXXX, Creeper Status gets the most

    In response to Sarah's Doomtree pick, nothing gets me going at a DTR show more that P.O.S's new banger: "I Just Wanna Get Down." It helps that they highly encourage everyone to get nuts anytime they play it and the place always goes crazy.

    In response to Sarah's Doomtree pick, nothing gets me going at a DTR show more that P.O.S's new banger: "I Just Wanna Get Down." It helps that they highly encourage everyone to get nuts anytime they play it and the place always goes crazy.

    So incredibly hyped for this album. Saw Doomtree several times this past Spring and the new P.O.S tracks they played were excellent. "I Just Wanna' Get Down" is one of the most danceable tracks that will come out this year. October can't get here fast enough.