
Wrong Movie Got Nominated!
What if Fincher wins? To the Academy, that means that Fight Club, Zodiac, The Game, and Seven are all worse than BB? It was solid, and dragged a little about 2/3 of the way through. I really noticed Fincher's directing much less in it than in the movies listed above, which is why i'm pissed

Yeah, the one with Warner Herzog was pretty terrible.

Wes Studi
Has there been a movie about native americans which he hasn't been in? He's awesome though, probably the only redeeming quality in Mystery Men.

What the fuck has cody chesnutt been doing? Is he still alive?

Watchin' Time

Excited for Idris Elba, does he start next week?

That would be a good idea for an inventory. Most incongruous screenplays by the same person.

I'm definitely going to start throwing "gather!" into random parts of conversations now.