
kayla, ya blew it. fairly obvs hader was old barnabas. the voice alone was a dead giveaway. also no mention of how pipiloks ideas would revolutionize the way films were shot. and talkies too! hahaha! loved this episode.

country life is awful. that video is ridiculous.

thin lizzy, "cowboy song".

i used to come to this site for the content but stay for the comments. wtf has happened here? everyone seems like such a little bitch nowadays. if you dont want spoilers, dont check the fucking site. its that simple, geniuses. goddamn…..

they're called abbreves, heisler. obvs.

gonna take another to cope with this epic fail.

i took…..
one too many xanex prior to seeing this and ended passing the fuck out during the epic battle scene. i don't think i missed much……

send a little love token…
the duke spirit are a good band and good people….met them when they opened for incubus in my city a couple of weeks ago…signed a setlist for me…they were very kind and gracious. if i played guitar hero, i'd buy it solely for this tune.

No V in Delocated or Look Around You either. Nice try though, Billy.

Ya think? Revolutionary insight.

I live in Indy, also. I miss the Patio sooooo much. Saw an amazing Melvins show and couple others there.

Wild at Heart, for fuck's sake! Nic gets a free pass for Saior Ripley and H.I. McDunnough.

I missed you, Burl! Do me a solid and post a link to your blog. Can't seem to locate it.

I guy I new in high school swore the lyrics to the chorus Beck's "Loser" were "Sore, O-pen the Door…I'm a loser, baby………"

@ OtP

Jon Gries was also the shit as Laszlo in Real Genius.

I'm FINALLY starting to like him. Now, Kate on the other hand………

I wonder how far Roger Linus could throw a football over them there mountains. He's gonna love 1982.

Don't forget the zany comedy "Like Father, Like Son" starring the Biblethumper and the Lush. I guess it had more of a Dream a little Dream vibe though…..oth extraordinarily forgettable films.

@ chinchilla