Snugglesaurus Rex

The kidnapping couldn't have taken place until after the honeymoon, as Amy's pregnancy 'began' on her wedding night in the TARDIS while in flight.  Since it was Amy who was pregnant, and not the Ganger, it had to be real Amy until after The Christmas Carol.  

This is a juicy detail.  River decides to save The Doctor's life in Germany earlier in her time stream than the Astronaut kills him in Utah.  Why would she be trying to kill The Doctor if she remembers killing The Doctor?  So if it is River in that Space Suit, she's got no regenerations left, and she's already in love

Amy's mind and soul were there on that beach in Utah.  The only thing fake about her at that time was that the body her mind was in was made of snot.

I think the River Song that actually gets close with The Doctor in what is to the versions present in this episode, their future.  But in the past of the River Song we've met before now.

Like most Moffat business, it was explained in a quick bit of dialog before something spectacular happened.  One of the mini-people mentioned that they needed to stop killing Hitler because it was too early in his time stream.  The Tessalecta was about to stop before the TARDIS crashed through the window.

I think the Skylar hate is largely because her character is opposed to the premise of the show. Her goal is to put the character's lives back to normal, which would be an end to what makes the story worth telling. We're all having fun watching all the shenanigans, and there's this character saying, 'No more fun meth

Tossin, Well, she's human, and she comes from a rural, colony that's backslid technologically and culturally. She's provincial, even though she has no connection to the geography of Earth, the wonders of the universe with the same fresh eyes a modern human would.

OK, here we go an outline for a Doctor Who reboot TV Movie. Yup, I threw out the whole thing. Yup, I'm an irredeemable nerd. Yup it was a slow night at work. We start with The Doctor giddily leading his companion, a middle aged woman, up a hill in a forest California standing in for prehistoric New Zealand. They

I agree on The Eleventh Hour love. Because they had an audience that was at least familiar with the format, they could stay in Ledworth for the entire episode.

@Bill Reed. It would be closer to Rose than the TVM.

The Eye of Harmony destroys space/time, transfers the lives of a Time Lord, can only be opened by the eye of a species other than the one that built it, drives The Tardis through time and space, can be regulated by a clock made by technology thousands of years more primitive than The Tardis, and it looks like a set

Fixing the Script with an Affectionate Therapod
It's another slow night at work for me. The biggest problems I have with the TV Movie could have been fixed by asking three questions, and using the script to answer them: Who is The Doctor? What makes The Doctor awesome and popular? How do we communicate that

The themes were ham-fisted, incoherent, and desperate attempt by the director to give the script some kind of significance. The Doctor is Frankenstein and Jesus at the same time rendering both comparisons meaningless. Plus he doesn't sacrifice himself or get persecuted. It's just the show saying, 'HE'S LIKE JESUS!

"When the whole universe is your backyard, all you end up with is a backyard." or something. He sees the universe through the eyes of his companions, and experiences their wonder and awe.

Sorry for being a dick. My comment was inappropriate.

I like Eve Myles most of the time. Those kind of action hero lines are tough to deliver because they're the kind of thing real people never say without irony.

I was just having a bit of drunken fun.

So you like looking at thin women with big breasts on television? That's great. Thanks for sharing.

I think they are overselling her based on the fact that she's curvy, and America is not ready for that.

Another teardrop in the ocean of human suffering. No one is special. We are all animals. Tear off as much meat as you can with every mouthful so you can be more desirable for reproductive purposes. Shit fuck breed die. We all think we are beautiful until time erases us.