Snugglesaurus Rex

I loved the line "Like your wheels." from the last episode.

They attempted Universe-a-cide (Cosmosacide?) Anyway. They tried to destroy the universe.

Bunches of fun, but a little forced.
I loved it, and exhaled a deep breath at the end.

It meant that it would be the end of her relationship with the Doctor. They're going in roughly reverse order. It would be like a loved one with Alzheimer's finally forgetting who you are. Heartbreaking.

Most of the backlash I've seen against River Song don't give any reason as to why they hate her. My guess is that it's a reason they can't face themselves or don't feel comfortable sharing publicly.

But Rory can never be as cool as The Doctor. Even though she married Rory, The Doctor will always be the most wonderful man she's ever met. I imagine it's like being married to a devoutly religious person who loves their god more than the can ever love a person.

Back on the Doctor's death, they better save him, and they better save him well. Moffat hasn't written an unsatisfying conclusion to a story yet, but killing off Matt Smith's Doctor is a big loan to take out on the audience' good will.

It's a testament to the acting and the writing that it hit with such emotional heft in Silence in the Library when no one knew she would be coming back.

They had quite a long couple conversations in the TARDIS. They had a few clever moments, like 'I'm being terribly clever up here and there's no one to stand around and look impressed! What's the point of having you all?' River got a long monologue while picking a lock.

I don't think the Doctor lies about his age, I think that as Steven Moffat says, he doesn't know how old he is. He just makes up a number that communicates great enough age to impress humans, but is still within their capacity to grasp. when asked by humans he's probably been 900 for thousands of years.

They would also be extremely stupid to get rid of Matt Smith before he wants to go let alone making him the last Doctor. The guy played about four hundred different emotions in this episode. It would be a shame not to squeeze every last performance you could out of him.

Ellen is a bit more than a mother figure. She's loading shotguns and kicking ass in her spare time. She died like a soldier in the trenches rather than staying at home worrying about her men. She also chose her own death. Typically mother figures go down as helpless victims.

Yeah, didn't bother me either. Fate chooses when you die, reapers deal with your soul after the fact.

"Your kind of Librarian or your kind of Librarian?"

I just like my narratives to be internally consistent. I'll be fine if the destiny crap is a con by Bell to get Peter to do what Bell wants. I'll be fine if destiny is the will of the observers. I'll be pissed if destiny is something that we all shrug over, and walk away from knowing that it was the driving plot


@The Mutt. That was why it was funny. Kenneth interrupted a big emotional showdown with his glove announcement because he's completely out of touch with reality. It was also the last thing one would expect to hear at that moment.

The characters of 30 Rock are all about %80 stereotype. Liz is a stereotypical single professional woman trying to 'have it all'. Jack is a stereotypical alpha male executive. At the end of this episode, they break Angie out of her stereotype quite a bit.

Thanks Olaf

@L-o-l-a and Olaf