Bolyston Cafe?!
Bolyston Cafe?!
At a real Gambino concert, that rag doll would be stuck behind at least two rows of taller, beardier, Fedorier guys than that one in the front.
Ext. Bret and Jemaine's farm in New Zealand. They've just finished their nice farm dance and now sit awkwardly at the kitchen table, wondering what to do next.
definitely the latter. I give him props for trying to express his own identity issues growing up, but just because the neighborhood you grew up in wasn't a 'good fit' doesn't mean it was an issue with the race you were born as. I mean, that's what I'm picking up. could be over-thinking it.
you are not! I just wrote that myself as a comment. It's really hindering my appreciation of his music, I feel like he's saying how unfortunate it is he's black.
My one big issue with Donald Glover is he tries so hard to be transcendental but nearly always comes off as self-loathing. We get it, Donald, you listened to rock music growing up and date 'black girls of every culture'. Please get over it before you get insulting.
You know why this season is so boring? Because we're still looking for Sophia. As you said, a character we're not emotionally invested in, that we barely realize, and who made the idiotic decision to run off when an authority figure told her to stay put. In the zombie-occupied forest. Also, most of the audience…
then how does Voldie smell what The Rock is cooking?
before Voldemort lands, he will engage Harry in a spontaneous rendition of 'A Whole New World'. It'll be a tear-jerker.
But wait…
what the fuck was that Veil in the Department of Mysteries?!
I am also still waiting for a story arc. perhaps even a double story arc. ooooh, omg, omg!
May you be shot down in flames.
I found the trucker getting robbed kind of off-putting as well. Usually, with this show, the theft is from some kind of survival instinct (Debs stealing the dryers from hotels, Fi and V stealing toilet paper from the bathrooms) but now it's gotten to theft for theft's sake. And I'm not getting it,…
Dan Harmon announced on his twitter that the scene was not a reference to 'The Big Bang Theory'. that's really a stretch. Do you all also believe that the birds falling from the sky and the bees disappearing are a sign of the 2012 apocalypse?
I bet
if we all see this in IMAX 3D we'll get sucked right into the void in time and space that is Julia Roberts's mouth. Also known as, The Twilight Zone.
is such a damn diva.