
longtime lurker, just making sure my account exists and password works in case I want to comment in the future. sorry to clog up any discussions.

I like him, too; I just figure he's got enough money that if he needs a rug, he could get something that actually looked good! Hilarious on Sinatra The Later Years BTW

Not a wig, and not dyed, and he finds it hard to believe himself, if a recent interview is to be believed.

What does downvoting do to someone's comment? Does it really move it down? Or is it like flagging someone?

Yeah, why on God's green earth I thought there might only be one is beyond me.

Are you talking about the one in Texas?  We have land there that almost shares a fence-line with them!  So weird.

So I was a little medical student training at Parkland in the late 90's, and my friends and I decided that if every grey-haired doctor who claimed to have been at least "in the room" when they were working on Kennedy had actually been there, there would have been 250 doctors in the room at once.
Also, fun urban myth in

Elaborate.  I don't understand.

That totally drove me crazy, too.  Like, what, people in a cramped, run-down apartment are "slumming it" by just deciding to be homeless?

Behavior like yours is rude, of course, but also it is so cliche at this point; there have been so many fights on this site because of this type of posting—why do it?
Actually, I don't care why you did it; just please stop.

Replying to Pervy:

I saw it drunk on a plane with no sound,and it sucked.  And I actually accidentally  followed the shitty plot by glancing up every 30 minutes or so at the TV.
And it was on for the return flight, too.
Pervy Obit, you could have changed the channel, but didn't.  I couldn't have thrown myself through an airplane window,

I think it's because so many people in that generation just DRANK.  I mean, some of those retro cocktails are just murderously strong— my bet is most of the movie audience didn't register that the man is drinking at a problem level—they were all going to go home themselves for some Mad Men-level bozzing.

I read your comment as if you just meant you couldn't see all the pictures of all the pillowcases.  You sounded so disgruntled about it!  Now I'm tickled.

Thanks!  I hear where your husband's coming from, too.

Thanks!  I hear where your husband's coming from, too.

Hey Scrawler!  In the "Margaret" movie thread, you told me to post more often. Look at me, doing what you tell me to do—completely not related to this thread, but just a chance to thank you for being a nice anonymous person out there in the ether who I know is nice in real life, too.  
OK!  Off to have another drink,

Hey Scrawler!  In the "Margaret" movie thread, you told me to post more often. Look at me, doing what you tell me to do—completely not related to this thread, but just a chance to thank you for being a nice anonymous person out there in the ether who I know is nice in real life, too.  
OK!  Off to have another drink,

Yeah, I was surprised my Dog Is My Co-Pilot's experience there, too.  Sure, as two dads in Texas, we're still a novelty item and cultural tourism surely applies somewhat, but, Good Lord, did we ever have so many offers for showers!
We combined all our shower-offering hosts into one big mass shower / throw-down.  AND,

Yeah, I was surprised my Dog Is My Co-Pilot's experience there, too.  Sure, as two dads in Texas, we're still a novelty item and cultural tourism surely applies somewhat, but, Good Lord, did we ever have so many offers for showers!
We combined all our shower-offering hosts into one big mass shower / throw-down.  AND,