
This episode deserved higher than a 'B' for giving us the scene of Tina dancing to Falco.

I also had trouble with this. It's a distinctly Ontario/Quebec thing.

I see your Wolverine and raise you a Captain Canuck.

Or be the third man in.

I think Matt and Bonnie were often the only two likable characters, because they were the two who were perpetually tormented by their "friends" and always left to pick up the pieces after those same "friends" continually destroyed everything around them.

They really screwed up that plotline (which was horrible to start with.) They either should have treated Caroline as the surrogate that she was, and then left Alaric to raise the kids on his own, or had Caroline settle in as a parent, which would have meant not spending two seasons chasing her boyfriend all over the

I'm sure Damon died of liver failure fairly young too. I can't see him cutting back when he became human.

And drinking. Don't forget the drinking.

Oh good, because what these shows need are more of the twins. *eye roll*

I would think it would be hard to fake any sort of romantic feelings when you've haven't spoken for 2 years. I also have a feeling that there may still be some residual upset feelings about Nina leaving the show, since it pretty much signaled the start of the end.

Change "bitter jealous guy" to"her bitter jealous former high school teacher" and you're bang on.

Especially since the Delena reunion was hardly "epic."

I'm pretty sure he wasn't bothering to read the scripts anymore by season 7.

This was great, thanks! That makes sense, although I wish it had been a little clearer. But I'll deal, since it allowed time for a Jenna cameo.

If only we had had time to get a Go Fund Me page set up.

It could be, but I don't know if this show is popular enough anymore to have the CW investing in a spin-off at this point, especially if it's just sad Hogwarts

I imagine that was probably because of the awkwardness between them since they broke up. Neither one seemed overly enthused in their scenes.

They also didn't bother to explain how Damon was redeemed and ended up in "Peace" with his brother, after him worrying about it all season. Because plot, I guess.

I bet he's burning all his TVD memorabilia as we speak.

Trust Katherine to take time out from her evil plan to make sure she looked good. I will say that the Katherine wig was a thousand times better than the Elena one. Geez, that looked awful.