
You should check out Selfie. The asian male lead gets two female love interests. (and it's not as awful as the title would suggest.)

I thought the sniper rifle was basically for: if he gave the wrong answer, she WAS gonna shoot him.

I thought there was some decent character moments. The biggest, of course, was Abed and Troy both trying to do the zingers, carrying on their more tenuous friendship these days.

My sister has Aspergers. My parents must have done a whole lot of research on Autism at the time she was diagnosed with it, because they pulled some serious miracles with her.

I really liked the Fringe-shout-out, with the music at the end. I hope this means they're going places with Evil Abed, even if this takes Community off the fantasy-reality tightrope it has been walking.

I'm a teenage girl. I was its target audience when the books came out. I hate Twilight. Unapologetically. I deserve well-written books, well-thought out books. I deserve to not only enjoy books on a aesthetic level, but intellectually if I so choose. So don't use that 'but its target audience is younger so it doesn't

When I was in Elementary School, I expressed to my parents I wanted to kill myself because of bullying. When I was in Middle School, I fought back, and sometimes fought for other kids who got bullied as well. I remember telling a kid off because he was bullying a girl with Down Syndrome. But it didn't matter what I

My favorite quote had to be: 'And before you all mark Todd as last, just remember that he has a turtle, and that puts you half-way there.'