Marky Moon

Whoa, that slam against Tyler, the Creator is pretty much entirely unsubstantiated. Are you sure you're not thinking of Goblin? Because I haven't listened to Wolf in a while, but off the top of my head I can think of very little stuff on that album intended entirely, or at all, for shock value. I mean, the song "Lone"

Not to sound hostile, because I liked this review - it articulated a lot of the reasons this band has really appealed to me - but the oft-repeated line in indie music criticism about a band or artist "proudly wearing their influences" is kind of a bullshit non-criticism. All it means is that they're new. Artists

Tiger Tank is so awesome. It was the first song I heard from them, and listening to it was one of the few times I immediately knew I'd be getting heavily into a band.

We Hate The Samsung Galaxy, And Here's Why You Should, Too

Right now I'm about halfway into Gravity's Rainbow, and although it's been taking me forever to get through, I've found it really rewarding and often enthralling. I think a great deal of its themes and meanings are going over my head, but I still like it a lot.

Honestly, I think Trouble Will Find Me sounds pretty notably different from their previous albums, especially High Violet. While High Violet is ornately and richly orchestrated throughout, Trouble Will Find Me has much simpler instrumentation and more negative space, even more than Boxer.

I'm trying to listen to this album, but I'M GOOOOONE THROUGH THE GLASS AGAIN

It's not a race, guys!

I feel like the fact the scorn is coming from @avclub-ebd92c1e51287503620906e6bfb9dfc6:disqus makes it about a million times harsher.

Well @avclub-099af65155f5592e56af3b7b6ea5d684:disqus, I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but…

A concert, you say? And you walked past it? What a colorful and storied life you lead!

Oh, I've got nothing against the car, I just really like Welcome to Japan.

But seriously, what kind of asshole drives a Lotus?


Maybe just a full-length McBain movie?

That's what I got out of it, too, but I guess Murray meant it in the sense that being able to musically 'connect' with people is more admirable than just being good. Still has nothing to do with the point of the article.

I'd say Sunday Sun is fairly different from the rest of the album, too.

I dub thee "Mud."


I watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - I really liked the movie as a whole, and there was a certain scene set to Search and Destroy that immediately became maybe my favorite scene ever.